Thursday, September 09, 2004

MFA Application Update (2 of 4)

Here is the response from Antioch University - Los Angeles, my 1st choice school:


Voicemail 1A, 1:08 p.m., EDT:

This is Marvin Heath, an applicant to your MFA program in Creative Writing. I am calling to follow-up and confirm that you have received all of my required application materials.

Please return my call at 770.__9.9_07. I will be in the office until 4:00 p.m., Eastern time. I look forward to talking to you. Thank you.


Voicemail 1B, 1:36 p.m., EDT:

Yes, Mr. Heath, this is Cl_udia F__res at Antioch University. We noticed in your application packet that you have not yet completed your bachelor's degree. Please call me to discuss. My number is 213.___._____.

Voicemail 2A, 4:41 p.m., EDT:

Ms. F___res, this is Marvin Heath, an applicant to your MFA in Creative Writing program, returning your call. Please call me at 770.__9.9_07. I look forward to talking to you.


Voicemail 3A, 12:33 P.M., EDT

Voicemail 4A, 1:57 P.M., EDT

Voicemail 5A, 4:20 P.M., EDT


Voicemail 6A, 12:11 P.M., EDT

Voicemail 7A, 3:19 P.M., EDT

Ms. Fl__es, this is Marvin Heath again. I'm really looking forward to speaking to you. Again, my number is 770.__9.9__7.


Live call, 6:41 p.m. EDT


"Yes, I'm trying to reach Marvin Heath."

"Yes, this is Marvin."

"Hi, this is Cl_udia from Antioch University."

"Yes, it's good to finally speak to you."

"Great. The reason I'm calling is that, in your application packet, you indicate that you have not yet completed your bachelor's degree. What is your current status with that?"

"That is correct. I do not have a bachelor's degree."

"Well, that is a requirement for us to process your graduate application. Are you in the process of completing it?"

"No. I was in a summer workshop with one of your faculty, Richard Garcia, who told me that occasionally you make an exception."

"I see... Well, that is true only if a student is in the process. Say, they are graduating during the semester they are applying."

"Well, if that is, in fact, your policy, that you absolutely will not consider an applicant who does not have a bachelor's degree, then there's no point in processing my application."

"Yes, Mr. Heath. We will be returning your application materials as well as your application fee check, uncashed."

"Thank you for your time."

"You're welcome, Mr. Heath. Good-bye."

1 comment:

BLUE said...

did you tell our Tsigan friend about this? it is absolutely *ridiculotta*. i KNOW someone who is in the Antioch program right now who doesn't have an undergrad degree. i am glad that you have other options, however. you are still going to do this, no matter what knife-bearers come. light! ~BLUE