Tuesday, September 07, 2004

MFA Application Update (1 of 4)

IF YOU'VE BEEN following, you know I recently submitted applications to 4 low-residency MFA in Creative Writing programs - New England College, Antioch University - Los Angeles, Queens University of Charlotte, and Warren Wilson College. You also know that I'm nervous about my chances because I'm a rather untraditional MFA applicant - most notably I lack a bachelor's degree.

Today, I got my first response in the effort to get on with the rest of my life. This is from the director of the program at Queens University of Charlotte:

Dear Marvin:

It was wonderful to talk with you on the phone yesterday. Again, on behalf of all of us here at Queens, I am delighted to offer you admission to the poetry section of the graduate program in creative writing! Congratulations.

Here's the participant handbook. Please contact me or Mike K___e(k____@queens.edu) with any questions. You will want to do this soon, as we are eager to be of assistance to you in dealing with the student loan issue, as we discussed on the phone.

Congratulations again! We hope you'll join us in January.

F_e_ L___ro_
Program Director

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k.n. henry said...
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